Why you need a Drop Shipping System for your Wholesale Business?
Your customers or potential customers are asking for Drop Shipping.
You do it but every order is a pain because you are not setup for drop ship.
You are looking for some growth and you recognize that the demand for drop shipping is there.
Are you getting calls and emails about drop shipping or product files? Are you tired of just saying no we don't do that and losing that potential business? If so we can help. Yes most drop ship inquires turn out to be a dead end, or a well meaning individual who want to succeed but will probably fail to sell your products, but a few will succeed. The trick is creating systems that can satisfy these inquires without your input. Let them try and focus on the 5% that succeed in making sales.
So you know that in theory there is a growth business in providing drop shipping services, but without a system its just hard. Not only is it hard and frustrating for you, its even harder and more frustrating for the drop shippers trying to work with you. I bet you suffer from lots of short ships, you never have what the drop shipper has sold, this causes lots of wasted time on email and the phone. Drop shippers complain that your branding is on the orders and are nagging you for tracking numbers. We can help you solve all these things.
These days it seems everyone wants to drop ship and honestly most wholesalers are not very good at it. One system we setup took drop shipping at one wholesale company from a awkward side project to a six figure channel within 2 years. Before you consider drop shipping we suggest you test yourself against our
checklist. This was designed for drop shippers but it highlights what your system needs to be able to do to be a good drop shipper.